Calling Your Bluff

Then you must think it is necessary to be or do something
special in order to be loved.
If I loved you only because of to some special quality that
only you possess, what would happen if you lost that quality? Don’t you know
that the “You” that I love does not depend on what you do or who you believe
you are?
Who is that “You” that you hide behind all the
superficialities hoping will make you
You pretend that I don’t
know that hidden part of you?
Maybe you secretly believe that you are all the things that
no one could ever love. You secretly tell yourself that when someone says they
love you, that your pretences are working and that they just love all the
things you so cleverly pretend to be.
Why do you work so hard just to be a genuine fake? You
cannot imagine anyone could love a genuine fake like you, unless they were one
too. For you, all those who profess their love must be cunning and deceitful.
But it takes one to know one, doesn’t it? In the game of Blind Man’s Bluff that
you play, everyone must first be wearing a blindfold or you won’t play.
You think you can fool me but the “You” that I love is not
any of the things you believe you are or even pretend to be. The “You” that I
love is, and has always been perfect in every moment. You are left withholding
the real “You” and pretending that’s ok.
Meanwhile your soul cries out for
authenticity, secretly hoping that someone smashes through your pretence to
save you from yourself.
So when I say I love you, it is more about me than it is
about you. It says I know there is nothing either of us need to pretend to be. It says I am calling
your bluff.
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