Ayahuasca Flashback

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.
- Albert Einstein
The lights of the city reflect in the bright metallic
streetcar tracks. People are bustling about. The stop and go lights at the
corners flash their neon commands. Automobiles whiz by on their way to the next
appointed rendezvous.
Suddenly it all stops as if frozen in the cold night air and
another identical but alternate reality appears as if I were witnessing
everything for the very first time. It is a reality so transformed and
unfamiliar I might as well be gazing into the nucleus of an atom or holding the
cosmos in my hand.
Then just as suddenly, the world starts up again hardly
having lost a beat. I am left with a sense of wonder that quickly recedes, into
the past like a déjà vu. Can I really know what anything is? Or is every moment
really just a leap of faith into the abyss of an unfathomable mystery? Where is
this “I” that knows how to take a next breath? Who is this “I” that witnesses this
reality? Where will this “I” go when this
world ends?
No where and every where all at once. As one world ends another begins.
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