In My Utopia

The word Utopia comes from Greek and means literally “no place” or "place that does not exist". Just because a place doesen’t exist that doesen’t mean it can’t exist so I thought it might be an interesting exercise to create such a place. Here is what it looks like in my Utopia.
In my Utopia no one ever lacks the necessities of life.
In my Utopia people get to create the life they want as long as it does not hurt others or infringe on their right to do likewise.
In my Utopia people don’t want to own or control others but instead create interwoven network of love and acceptance.
In my Utopia people accept others as they are instead of expecting or hoping that they will change to suit what they want or expect.
In my Utopia people freely mesh with each other’s lives learning the lessons they need to learn with each other’s blessing.
In my Utopia friends are forever and your friends always remember your birthday.
In my Utopia people delight in each other’s differences.
In my Utopia everyone always has time to be present for others.
In my Utopia no one need ever feel lonely or unloved.
In my Utopia no one ever lacks the necessities of life.
In my Utopia people get to create the life they want as long as it does not hurt others or infringe on their right to do likewise.
In my Utopia people don’t want to own or control others but instead create interwoven network of love and acceptance.
In my Utopia people accept others as they are instead of expecting or hoping that they will change to suit what they want or expect.
In my Utopia people freely mesh with each other’s lives learning the lessons they need to learn with each other’s blessing.
In my Utopia friends are forever and your friends always remember your birthday.
In my Utopia people delight in each other’s differences.
In my Utopia everyone always has time to be present for others.
In my Utopia no one need ever feel lonely or unloved.
In my Utopia people only work at what they love.
In my Utopia people always bring out the best in each other.
In my Utopia you can eat all you want and never gain weight.
People have to die in my Utopia, but only once [per lifetime].
In my Utopia when people think of past relationships they only remember the love.
In my Utopia people always listen to each other such that everyone always feels heard (especially children).
People cry in my Utopia but mostly from tears of joy.
In my Utopia there is no fear, no guilt, no jealousy, no regret, no envy, no blame, no judgment of others, no deception, no hate and no wars.
There is always a second chance in my Utopia and the first chance doesn’t count.
It rains in my Utopia but never on weekends.
That is a pretty good start on my Utopia. It will keep me busy for quite a while. I may have to refine my Utopia from time to time but that is ok because my Utopia is a work in progress.
Chances are you don’t want to create the same Utopia as I described and that’s ok. I’ll listen and help you create your Utopia in whatever ways I can.
Ok, it’s your turn; tell me about your Utopia.
In my Utopia people always bring out the best in each other.
In my Utopia you can eat all you want and never gain weight.
People have to die in my Utopia, but only once [per lifetime].
In my Utopia when people think of past relationships they only remember the love.
In my Utopia people always listen to each other such that everyone always feels heard (especially children).
People cry in my Utopia but mostly from tears of joy.
In my Utopia there is no fear, no guilt, no jealousy, no regret, no envy, no blame, no judgment of others, no deception, no hate and no wars.
There is always a second chance in my Utopia and the first chance doesn’t count.
It rains in my Utopia but never on weekends.
That is a pretty good start on my Utopia. It will keep me busy for quite a while. I may have to refine my Utopia from time to time but that is ok because my Utopia is a work in progress.
Chances are you don’t want to create the same Utopia as I described and that’s ok. I’ll listen and help you create your Utopia in whatever ways I can.
Ok, it’s your turn; tell me about your Utopia.