Spiritual Pilgrim

Yes, it is undeniably so. Where even two consciousnesses have touched and stood together in the awe and wonder of beingness, then it has been witnessed beyond all doubt that this cosmic parade is but the backdrop. It is but the stage upon which we play out this unique but brief experience that manifests in the so-called reality of what we take to be the totality of our existence.
I have carried this secret my whole life searching for souls willing to enter into this grand experiment to dare to look beyond the facade into the extraordinary. And yet I cannot distill the essence of this experience from the physical tedium and banality with which it is inexorably entangled. It seems I cannot even adequately describe it in isolation. What alchemy is required? Only the willing human sprit, using love as the catalyst, is pure enough it isolate and rarify the nectar from the amalgamation. Until more Spiritual Pilgrims are ready to emotionally venture beyond this incomplete experience we call reality, we will all continue to live ordinary lives with only brief glimpses into what is possible.
But for me, a brief glimpse will never be enough. I must go forward now. There is no going back. It is not my intent to merely involve others in an experiment to discover what was possible between human beings but also to forever transform reality itself. I have no way to foresee the outcome. I know not what that transformation entails. But for those who have been witness, those who have been touched, it is incumbent upon you [individually] to re-chart your life out of this experience and go forward.